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Spend Wisely to Achieve a Higher Sale Price

Spend Wisely to Achieve a Higher Sale Price
7 May, 2013 Melissa

Organising a Furnished Home for Sale


So you are selling your home and want to achieve the best possible sales outcome without having to spend too much money? So where do you start? Read on for some great advice and handy tips on how you can spend your money wisely to help achieve the maximum sale price for your property.

Most importantly the first step you need to take is to emotionally detach yourself from your home! Forget all the improvements you were going to make, it is now someone else’s turn. Your only job now is to get the highest price with minimal financial outlay.

If you find emotional detachment too difficult it is a good idea to bring in outside help to suggest what you need to do. Perhaps seek a professional stylist or a good friend with good taste and style. The key here is to not take it personally. When you are selling your home you need to remove your life and personal items – perhaps look at it like a ‘marketing project’.

So what changes, additions and special style touches will help add value to your property?

They say cleanliness is next to godliness and this couldn’t be truer when selling your home. It is essential that you clean every inch of the property. Steam clean carpets, wash window coverings or take them down completely, wash the exterior of the house and windows. Clean cupboards, doors, light fittings and the often forgotten skirting boards. Think of presenting a property like a fashion show – it doesn’t have to be practical, it needs to look good! Let the natural light in by taking away old roller blinds that black out the room. Open all the windows to rid the property of any damp, stale or lived in smells.

It’s time to de-clutter! Any extra furniture, sporting gear and memorabilia, old garden furniture that you no longer need, why not put it on to Ebay and let someone else enjoy your ‘not used’ items. Go through your cupboards and pack away or donate to charity any items that have been sitting there for years waiting to be used. Prospective buyers are generally looking to purchase a new property because they want more space, more storage – your job is to show them there’s plenty.

If the paintwork is looking tired or dirty, it is starting to peel and sugar soap isn’t making it look any better – it is time to get out that roller. Remember to keep the colours clean and fresh, this is not the time to explore your inner Picasso. If the bathroom is outdated but freshly painted and in working order you’ll attract many more buyers. Change to more modern fittings on cupboard handles, door handles, light fittings and taps. This simple step can really lift a property at very little expense and effort.

Clear the space and let the sunshine in! Change window coverings to be sheer with modern fittings, this is especially important for dark properties. Cut back thick greenery outside windows if they are blocking light. Put strong globes into the light fittings. Move furniture back to open up rooms. Try not to walk into the back of a lounge. Remove extra furniture especially in bedrooms and keep passageways clear.

First impressions count. Spend money on gardeners and/or plants on the balcony. Make sure the garden and entrance way is cut back, weeds are under control and it looks clean and inviting. Lawns and edges need to be perfect with the appearance of being easily maintainable. Front door freshly painted, cleaned and a bright light over it. People interested will drive by at night so keep lights on while open for inspection. Make sure the ‘house number’ is large, clean and visible.

Some say ‘skip the gimmicks’ during Open for Inspection times……however I say, play that music softly, bake some biscuits or muffins and have them out for prospective buyers and have a stylish assorted lolly jar at the entrance. Give and you shall receive.

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